Wednesday, April 20, 2011

My trip to Port Clinton

Lake Point Baptist Church's launch service
I was there to support my friends the Vossens in this amazing experience that God provided.
In this pic Todd Vossen (the Pastor) is preaching.

  This is Kelly (Pastor's wife) cutting Lake Point cake. It was very very good!
These Ladies are Hope and Joy. And they act just like their names...
I have known Jake and Josh Vossen since forever(Josh on the left and Jake on the right).And in the middle their friend Alex.
Now time to go to the Pier. Here are Ben, Jake, Alex, and Josh.



A Beautiful Picture



Ben, Joy, and me and my beautiful hair.

Joy Joy Joy her name is JOY

Beautiful huh...

We could not see or breathe and that is why this pic is so I look dumb.


"Tough" Josh

And to top the day off... a big hot dog thing.(hot dog rapped in cheese, groung beef and BBQ sause.)

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